Free RGB to Hex Colors Converter

Small Meta Tools

RGB to Hex

Enter red, green and blue color levels (0-255) and press the Convert button:

Red color (R):
Green color (G):
Blue color (B):
Color preview:
Hex color code:
RGB color code:
HSL color code:

About RGB to Hex

Use an online RGB to HEX converter to instantly convert RGB color codes to hexadecimal triplets, check results, and copy them to the clipboard in one click. RGB and Hex Color CSS generator that helps you quickly convert and generate RGB and Hex Color CSS declarations for your website. Many options are available and demonstrated immediately. You can also convert Hex to RGB.
About RGB-HEX converter

RGB to Hex Converter is a color code generator that converts RGB color values into hexadecimal codes. You can use this tool to quickly convert RGB colors to hexadecimal values for HTML pages, graphics, and other digital screen design projects.

Photo editing and graphic design software, such as Photoshop, traditionally display colors as RGB. If you want to use RGB colors that are precisely the same colors that a designer prefers for a code-based build, you must first convert the RGB color values to a hexadecimal representation to be used in HTML or CSS code.

This is where our tools come in. The color converter accepts input in red, green, and blue color values from 0 to 255 and returns those values as a hexadecimal string. This value can be used for coloring in HTML or CSS code.

Whether you're a professional web developer, mobile app designer, or hobbyist who loves playing with code, these tools can make your life much easier. It's straightforward, reliable and fast.

As an added benefit, this RGB to Hex tool displays color previews, so you know you're copying the correct code for the color you want. Displays color values in both RGB and hexadecimal.


What does this RGB to Hex converter do?

It takes input in red, green, and blue values between 0 and 255. Then, it converts those values to a hexadecimal string that can specify colors in HTML5/CSS3 code—free online RGB color to a hexadecimal color converter. When you load RGB colors, they are automatically converted to hexadecimal colors. There are no pop-ups or nonsense, just an excellent decimal RGB to hexadecimal converter. Load RGB and get hexadecimal.

How do I convert the RGB value of a color to a hex?

The RGB to hexadecimal converter algorithm is simple. Check that the R, G, and B (red, green, blue) values are 0 to 255, convert R, G, and B to a hexadecimal string, then concatenate the three hexadecimal strings together. Here, we convert RGB to hexadecimal color values.

RGB input works for upper and lower case rgb or rgba codes, but you can ignore the starting rgb mark and the square brackets. You must add three numbers from 0 to 255, separated by commas.

The first field accepts values with or without hash symbols. It works for both 3-character and 6-character long codes. The calculator can also handle some typos. For example, if the second digit of the component is an invalid character outside the hexadecimal range (0-F).